Life is all about change!

Change – it’s one of the immutable truths of the universe, maybe the most important truth, that is, nothing stays the same, nothing stays in the same place or inert, it is constantly moving, constantly changing. In business, you are either in growth or in decline, there is no such thing as the status quo.(unless the status quo is change).

In Dr Spencer Johnson’s amazingly insightful book – “Who moved my cheese?” it explores how different people, which can be expanded to different businesses deal with change.

Two of the best quotes from the book;

“If you do not change, you can become extinct.”

You’ve heard it over and over again “Change is the only constant”, but have you pro-actively decided to change? Sometimes, you don’t have a choice – like with the current environment that we find ourselves in!

Change and decision-making go hand in hand.

If you need a change, decision making is the first and most difficult step. What do you base these crucial decisions on? In life you would take a long hard look at your life, assess your goals, needs and motivations and hopefully use this introspection to inspire you to make conscientious decisions about how to change.

With business it is the same, you need a long, hard, sometimes painful look at the current reality of your business, an assessment of the value, risk, opportunities and key drivers that will inform and guide your change decisions.

“Smell the cheese often so that you know when it is getting old.”

If you don’t want yourself to keep asking this question of Who Moved My Cheese, then keep checking your cheese. Smell it to check whether it has rotten and that does it need change.

Simply put, whether you are an individual or a business owner, you need to assess your “cheese” often to ensure that it’s not rotten.

Dr Spencer summarizes his book in the below words:

Anticipate change.

Adapt to change quickly.

Enjoy change.

Be ready to change quickly again and again.

In these extremely uncertain and stressful times, in life and business, we all need to be ready to change and adapt quickly. In order to accomplish this – a road map is required, otherwise how do you choose which road to take? Without the right information…. any road will do.


For more information on how we can help you to manage change in your business and get the information you need to chart your path,

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