Exit Strategy

Which way is the door?

There are many reasons that business owners decide to exit their businesses, unfortunately most leave it till too late, to think about a strategy for getting out the door.

It may seem counter intuitive, but aside from the obvious considerations, one should plan on how to exit their business, from the moment they get into business.

After all – one way or another, an unchangeable truth is that every Owner will exit their business, now or later, through sale, retirement, succession or one of the terrible D’s- everyone will exit.

It’s never too early to start!

If it’s retirement that you are planning for – the last thing that you want to do is leave it until it’s too late, only to realise that the windfall you were counting on to see you through your later years, fails to materialise.

For the best results, you should start planning three and a half to five years ahead, allowing at least six months to analyze your business, two years to build value and take advantage of tax strategies to maximize the proceeds of the sale, and another year to sell.

We can Help!

Interested in discussing your exit strategy? Contact us for a confidential consultation.

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